Friday, December 31, 2010


I must admit that I read Drake's blog. And I found James Blake there. Now you know, so I can stop pretending.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Letting Go Of The self

My final for my Fashion Textiles class was create a garment that communicates something.

Sounds simple. And it should be. Except that I have this habit of putting way too much meaning into my work. Which I guess is a good thing. But sometimes it just becomes overwhelming for me.
So I decided to communicate nothing. I was going to put embroidery hoops on my garment and embroider nothing inside.

I began the process of draping. And was blocked for hours. It was then I decided to not think at all, and just do what felt good to me, what was fun.

So the hoops were on, and I began to pleat the fabric around the hoops. Because it felt good and was fun. It totally disoriented the plaid, which was fun and cool to me. I later stitched the pleats. Oh yeah I also decided to not go crazy with pushing this idea, just stop when I was ready. That whatever was there was good enough.

And I did that. And then I just decided to take off the hoops. And a glorious drape occurred. Ok so the hoops were part of the process, not the end result.

I had to let go: let go of the process, let go of my self, let go of my thinking of what I thought this garment should look like, let go of the idea that I had to have the best garment, let go of the hoops. And the end result was way different than I could have ever planned. Way better really. And oh-my-God I had way more fun.

The process:

The final garment:

(the above hoop is an homage to the process)

Accompanying drawing:

Friday, December 17, 2010

Homage to Elsa Schiaparelli

1938: Elsa Schiaparelli Monkey Fur Shoes, black suede and monkey fur.

2010: Jeffrey Campbell Pixie Hair Bootie. Leather and NOT monkey hair.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Free Good Art: Mission St.

Sometimes good art is free and just waiting for you to appreciate it.

(homeless blankets wedged in-between buildings)


Ho, Ho, Hola

25 cent rave just waiting to happen

My favorite wig, at my favorite wig store


Friday, December 3, 2010

Chinese Couturier Guo Pei

These are from Guo Pei's latest collection, titled "The Arabian 1002nd Night."

(This took 50,000 hours to embroider.)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Arthur Russell

This record was playing at my coffee shop this morning. Immediately hooked. Bought the album immediately. Woah. So good. There's a story about him, too. But I'm too lazy to write about it. Maybe later.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shoes as Art

Recently when I was complaining to a friend about not being able to afford shoes I want, he suggested being grateful that I was even able to lay eyes on them - and to appreciate them as something I can look at, like art.

One day I'd really like to be able to buy $1000 shoes, but today, I'll just appreciate them as art and be grateful that I have eyes to see them.

But YOU can buy them and touch them! here

Monday, November 29, 2010

Inspiration from Nick Cave

I was at the De Young Museum this weekend trying to get inspiration for a project, which I didn't end up getting from an exhibit ... but from a Nick Cave book in the museum store. I just can't get enough of his work.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wunderkind Spring/Summer 2011

n., pl., -kin·der (-kĭn'dər).
  1. A child prodigy.
  2. A person of remarkable talent or ability who achieves great success or acclaim at an early age.
Also a fashion label that's been around since 2004.

In this collection, I love the innovative use of prints, the striped hosiery and the platforms. Delicious.