We are collecting local clothing donations from friends and family in the next 2 weeks so we will have piles of clothes to start off with on the day of the event. We would really appreciate a clothing donation from you - clothing in good condition that you don't wear .... clothing that you might otherwise donate to Goodwill or that you've kept in your closet for years thinking you might wear it or fit into it one day. This includes: jackets, hats, pants, shirts, skirts, shoes, gloves, accessories, sunglasses, bags, costumes, lingerie, Pjs ...
Please let me know immediately via email to annie.mccourt@gmail.com if you are interested in making a donation. We are taking donations until June 11 … so you have 2 weeks to get a donation together. We can come pick-up - Or, you can drop off at a location on 23rd and Capp. Just email me (annie.mccourt@gmail.com) and let me know what works best for you.
We will keep you posted about the actual event date (currently TBD) so you can come by and replenish your closet with clothes you will actually wear!
We appreciate your participation & joining us in the fun!!
For more info, or to schedule a pick-up or drop off, email Annie at: annie.mccourt@gmail.com