Today I stopped in a great little clothing/art store on Polk Street where they had a mini latex florescent orange beret. Yeah - you heard me. And you bet I tried it on. And you bet it was amazing. I came home and immediately looked up the designer: Atsuko Kudo.
I was told by the store owner that aside from the beret, Atsuko Kudo was mainly a fetish brand. But that couldn't be further from the truth. True, we all know that traditionally latex is used for fetish wear - but Atsuko Kudo uses latex in innovative and sophisticated ways. What you get is high-fashion, sexy, and truly adorable. Might be a little much to wear everyday (after all, latex is hot), but then again ... how about keeping this secret underneath your clothing all day?Hot Hot Hot!
100% Pure Latex Gaganess: Also very well-known for her leggings:
Copenhagen fashion illustrator Naja Conrad-Hansen's illustrations are light and airy yet incredibly impactful and mood-evoking. And I love her almost inconspicuous use of monkey's and cupcakes, and her use of color.
Not only did this hipster match his purple pants and turquoise/purple vintage Gymnastics jacket to his purple rim and turquoise bike seat (did he get the color-matching done somewhere?) - but when I asked if I could take a photo of him, he started posing and doing trackstands immediately. Now that's a good hipster. People who put the time and effort into matching like this get an A+ in my gagabook. Even if it is a little bit cheesy. But Gaga does ride a fine-line between cheesy and spectacular!
A few years ago I cut the fingertips off of my Mom's vintage black leather gloves from the 60's and I've been feeling guilty about it lately. But now I'm feeling a little bit more at-ease after seeing what glove designers out there are doing to get creative. Because your hands want to express themselves too! Available at Lulu and Shashand Glove Up.